"Speed Bump" is a water triple with a blind using all ducks which takes place in a pond with a small island in front of the line and another small island to the left of the line. Bird number one is located on the far side of the pond, thrown to the right at 61 yards. The second bird also lands on the far bank and is thrown to the left at 48 yards from the line. The third bird down comes out from the handlers left, landing in the water 35 yards from the line. The water blind is straight in front of the handler. They must swim the first piece of water, cross the left-hand point of the right-hand island, continue swimming to the far shore where they pick up the bird, located at 68 yards from the line.
We arrived at Flight B to find that they had 56 contestants back for their sixth test at the "Speed Bump." The wind was now 10-12 mph, hitting the handler in the back. Of the first five dogs we watched, two dogs had very nice clean jobs. Three dogs had difficulty with the middle bird.
The "Speed Bump" pond |
Gwen Jones from Retriever News with AKC Rep Russ Reavis |
#151 Cady's Super Classy Sassy MH, "Sassy," with handler Chris Akin |
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Gloria Mundell and Bill Teague |
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